Innovation Hub Success Stories: ShotTrack

ShotTrack - An Innovation Hub Success Story

ShotTrack is a company that has its roots in the Innovation Hub Coffs Coast. In a short few years, they have gone from strength to strength, collaborating with multiple tenants of the Hub and continuing to innovate. They are an inspiration to entrepreneurs all over the Coffs Coast.

About ShotTrack

ShotTrack, based out of the Innovation Hub Coffs Coast, has established itself as a leading force when it comes to mining and construction industries. Their advanced vibration analysis and electronic blast monitoring equipment is revolutionizing the way that companies go about blast design operations.

Find out more on their website

The company's collaborative approach to innovation

ShotTrack has been a major player in the Innovation Hub Coffs Coast ecosystem, collaborating with multiple tenants over the past few years and gaining recognition for their groundbreaking approach to innovation. They have cultivated an environment of growth and progress that breeds disruption and inspires ingenuity.

One collaboration was with a coworker, Adam Doyle from Bruxner Design. He began designing the cases that hold ShotTrack's monitoring equipment. Although Adam has grown out of the Hub, he continues to design the cases to this day.

A more recent collaboration is leading to an entirely new subscription revenue model for ShotTrack. One day, founder Stefan Miller was grabbing a coffee at the Hub's shared kitchen space. He started chatting with Justin from Digital Ally about his business and how he needed an app that paired his equipment and Bluetooth.

That conversation was the start of a big project. Digital Ally are experts in websites, apps and digital development. They have partnered with ShotTrack to design and build a highly complex app.

With its innovative growth only continuing to skyrocket, ShotTrack is a company with an incredibly bright future ahead of them. As they expand into two new startups and collaborate with more tenants at the Innovation Hub Coffs Coast, they are pushing the boundaries and continuing to be one of the most inspiring companies around. It really is exciting to see how forward-thinking their ideas are and what kind of impact they will make on the world in the upcoming years!


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